vrijdag 30 juni 2017

Coming soon! new Oeuf NYC collection

We can't wait to have the new Oeuf NYC collection in our shop.  
Expected arrival August 2017. We will keep you updated....

Meanwhile, we still have some Oeuf goodies left in our shop.  
Apart from Pigeon Pablo, you can buy them for a reduced price. 
Click here to take a look.

oeuf nyc

woensdag 28 juni 2017

It's green and it wants to hug you!!

groene knuffels
Jellycat, Maileg and Moulin Roty

Our green cuddles and rattles are waiting for hugs! De groene knuffelbeesten en rammelaars willen heel graag geknuffeld worden. 

from left to right

maileg groenterammelaars
Maileg and Jellycat 

from left to right

dinsdag 27 juni 2017

Let's cuddle Jeanne & Adèle from Moulin Roty

Let's cuddle our Moulin Roty rag dolls Jeanne and Adèle. 
The dolls wear beautiful dresses and come in a nice bag.
Size: 38 cm / washable at 30 degrees.

Knuffelen met de mooie Franse poppen Jeanne en Adèle van Moulin Roty. De poppen dragen allebei een prachtige jurk en zijn 38 cm groot. Ze mogen op 30 graden gewassen worden. Bij elke pop krijg je een bijpassende tas met de naam van de pop.

maandag 26 juni 2017

New Luckyboysunday friends and pillows......

luckyboysunday new pillows

We can't wait to have the new Luckyboysunday collection in our shop. 
There are many new friends and pillows.
Expected arrival September 2017.

Meanwhile, we wait patiently (like good old friend Balthazar always does).

to be continued .....
Balthazar patiently waits on the Nulle beach towel.

vrijdag 23 juni 2017

More than 100 SUPERDEALS with 10% (extra) discount

Enjoy our SUPER DEALS! Now 20% disount on 100 products (until stock runs out). Check out our SUPER DEALS category. The code is SUPERDEAL.

Profiteer nu van 20% (extra) korting op 100 producten uit onze winkel. Bezoek de categorie SUPER DEALS en gebruik code: SUPERDEAL (OP = OP). 

donderdag 22 juni 2017

Hello Summer!

These dolls are in the mood for a day at the beach!!!
They are created by Maria from Polykatoikia and for sale on Etsy! 

Our deal of the day is Mr. Badger. A nice pillow for only € 7,95 today

dinsdag 20 juni 2017

Let's cuddle Skippity Hop Creatures!

Let's cuddle the original handmade creatures from Skippity Hop Creatures!

The creatures are made from recycled wool and felt. You can buy them on Etsy and you can follow Skippity Hop Creatures on Instagram & Facebook.

images: Skippityhopcreatures

vrijdag 16 juni 2017

It's discount week! 10% discount on our collection!

alpaca knitted soft toys
Wolves from Main Sauvage and Donna Wilson, pillow from Luckyboysunday, pigeon from Oeuf NYC

Tot en met maandag 19 juni geven wij 10% korting op alle knuffels in de winkel. De kortingscode is WEEKDEAL. De kortingscode is ook geldig op de sale, dag- en weekaanbieding.

Enjoy our discount week discount.  Now 10% discount on all cuddles with code WEEKDEAL. (valid until Monday June 19th). 

Babysoothers from Jellycat and Happy Horse

In the mood for a Summer holiday
Maileg tent, travel buddy from Mana'o nani, Wolfgang bear from Jellycat, suitcase from Maileg and tipi pillow from OYOY.
luckyboysunday knuffels
Luckyboysunday collection: Face it pillow, Polly, Favourite place pillo, Bonbon rug

Moulin Roty knuffels

Moulin Roty collection
Mademoiselle doll, Roudoudou lion and NinNin bunny doll

donderdag 15 juni 2017

It's discount week! 11% discount on all animals!

Octopus jellycat

maileg konijn
veelvraat wolverine hansa

Today 11% discount on all animals with code WEEKDEAL
Vandaag geven wij 11% korting op alle beesten in de winkel. De code is WEEKDEAL

We sell: Maileg, Jellycat, Donna Wilson, Luckyboysunday, Hansa Toy, Moulin Roty, OYOY, Oeuf NYC, Main Sauvage, Mana'o nani, Steiff

jellycat lions

woensdag 14 juni 2017

It's discount week (day 3) 11% discount on Maileg

Maileg muis

maileg knuffels

It's discount week at Knuffels à la carte. Today 11% discount on all cuddles from Maileg

Vandaag geven wij 11% korting op alle knuffels van Maileg.  De code is: WEEKDEAL

maileg konijnen

dinsdag 13 juni 2017

It's discount week / Day 2

It's discount week at Knuffels à la carte. Today 11% discount on all cuddles from Moulin Roty, Miniroom and Noodoll. Code: WEEKDEAL

Vandaag geven wij 11% korting op alle knuffels van Moulin Roty, Miniroom en Noodoll. De code is: WEEKDEAL