woensdag 30 augustus 2017

vrijdag 25 augustus 2017

Let's cuddle Arthur!

We are back from our Summer Break and we will add lots of new cuddly friends to our shop!
One of them is Arthur, a furry Anteater from Jellycat
He's on his way from London to our shop and we expect him on Monday. 

We will keep you updated about his arrival.

dinsdag 1 augustus 2017


We ship your order on AUGUST 23rd
Wij verzenden je bestelling op 23 augustus.

Knuffels à la carte houdt vanaf woensdagmiddag a.s. een zomerbreak (tot en met 22 augustus). Er kan gewoon besteld worden, maar wij verzenden alle bestellingen pas op 23 augustus. Om deze reden krijg je gedurende onze hele zomerbreak 10% korting op alle knuffels. 

Bestellingen die voor woensdag 2 augustus 12 uur 's middags zijn afgerond, worden deze week nog verzonden. 

It's almost time for our Summer break. We have a break from August 2nd until August 22nd. You can still place orders in our shop, but all parcels will be shipped after August 23rd. For this reason we offer you a discount of 10% on all cuddles. (code: SUMMER2017  - valid until August 23rd). 

Orders placed before August 2nd, 12.00 p.m. will be shipped this week.

knuffels sale korting