vrijdag 31 mei 2019

12,5% discount on our UK brands: Jellycat, Donna Wilson & MeriMeri!

Don't miss it!!

12,5% discount on our UK brands: 
Use code: UK19 at checkout!

Je krijgt nu 12,5% korting op onze Engelse merken:
Donna Wilson, Jellycat & Meri Meri, als je code: UK19 invoert bij het afrekenen.

On the image:

Donna Wilson hot water bottle mermaid
Meri Meri mermaid
Meri Meri octopus rattle
Donna Wilson Narwal
Jellycat Odell Octopus (available in 4 sizes)

dinsdag 28 mei 2019

Soft dog friends!!!

main sauvage
Main Sauvage knitted dog, Sigikid Beasts dog, XXL labrador

Are you looking for a soft dog friend?

We have irresistible ones in our shop. They are all waiting for a new home and a nice owner!

straathond vuilnisbakkenras knuffels
Sigikid Beasts dogs

Donna Wilson Wild Things dog, Meri Meri dog rattle, Melissa & Doug life like dog

Manhattan Toy dog with babies, Jellycat puppy, Maileg Best Friends dog.

donderdag 23 mei 2019

10% discount on our entire collection / 10% korting op de hele collectie!

Don't miss it!!
10% discount on our entire collection with code: MAY19

Nu 10% korting op onze hele collectie met code: MAY19

On the image:

We've got a huge collection of great soft toys from great international brands!!

Eiffel tower & octopus rattle from Meri Meri,  pompom garland from OYOY, Kawaii doll from Luckyboysunday, guitar rattle from the Lazy Jellyfish, Dino from Jellycat, XXl black labrador from Melissa & Doug.

Pillows from Luckyboysunday, peanut from Donna Wilson and rattle from the Lazy Jellyfish

Dancing Jellycat friends

Icecream rattle from Meri Meri, lamb baby soother from Happy Horse, flower pillow from Luckyboysunday, frog prince from Jellycat, Happy camper tent & mouse from Maileg, Broccoli baby toy from Oli & Carol 

Llama & sushi soft toy from  Jellycat, Leaf pillow from Donna Wilson & heart pillow from Meri Meri. 

donderdag 16 mei 2019


Enjoy our Danish discount! Now 12% discount on our Danish brands LuckyboysundayOYOY and Maileg.
code: DANISH

Nu 12% korting op al onze Deense merken. Koop dus nu jouw favoriete MailegLuckyboysunday, of OYOY producten. 
code: DANISH

dinsdag 14 mei 2019

donderdag 9 mei 2019

20% (extra) discount on our selected SUPER DEALS!!!!!

Profiteer nu van 20% (extra) korting op onze 350 geselecteerde SUPER DEALSDe code is: SPECIAL.  

Now 20% discount on our 350 selected SUPER DEALS 
The code is: SPECIAL